Microsoft Azure AZ-300 Info David Papkin

Microsoft AZ-300 info

Respond to events with Azure Monitor Alerts Quickstart

Create, view, and manage activity log alerts using Azure Monitor Quickstart

Export Azure Activity log to storage or Azure Event Hubs

Collect data about Azure Virtual Machines into Log Analytics

View or analyze data collected with Log Analytics log search

Create and share dashboards of Log Analytics data

Log Analytics Querying Demonstration workspace

Azure Migrate

Azure Migrate/ASR video

ASR END to END demo

Migration with Azure Migrate Demo

Discover and assess on-premises VMware VMs for migration to Azure

Azure Migrate limitations

Troubleshoot Azure Migrate

Azure Migrate with Hyper-V support Private Preview

Using Service Map solution in Azure

Download Data Migration Assistant

Overview of the Azure Monitor agents

Azure Site Recovery

ASR Features

Replicate Hyper-V VMs to Azure

ASR End to End

Replicate Hyper-V VMs to Azure

Configure failback from Azure to on-premises

Move Azure VMs into Availability Zones

Disaster recovery of zone pinned Azure Virtual Machines to another region

Event Grid

Azure Event Grid

Understanding Azure Events and Messages: Azure Service Bus, Event Grids, and Event Hubs


Full-stack end-to-end monitoring with Azure Monitor | Azure Friday

AZ-300 Labs

1) Create NEW email account password Pa55w.rd1234 where xxx = your initials.


The new Microsoft account is needed for the Azure Pass used for the labs in this course. The use of any other account is not supported for this class.  Appreciate your understanding.

2) Md C:\Labfiles

3) Download and extract into C:\Labfiles


4 ) Download and install Visual Studio Code  Visual Studio Code

5) Create new Azure account

Optional Quickstart practices



Azure Migrate

Arm Templates

  Tutorial: Create and deploy your first ARM template


 Q & A



How can you move resources from one resource group to another?


Azure CLI, Powershell or Portal


Can you move resources from one VNET to another?




What service can you use to troubleshoot if some services have been shutdown by users or are failing?


Log Analytics


What are some different design patterns for distributing workloads?


Partitioning workloads
Load balancing
Transient fault handling


What is the limits to App Service plans and instances per subscription?


ASE is per single subscription and can host 100 App Service Plan instances.


What are Azure ASE advantages?


Application worloads that need High memory utilization and/or  Isolation and secure network access


What Azure service is good for native cloud services from small to massive scale?


Service Fabric. It can host microservices in containers across Service Fabric clusters.


NICF-Microsoft Azure Architect Technologies (SF)_AR v1.1_ Stapled_2-Sided





Helpful Azure  learning links

Microsoft Azure Forums  The Azure forums are very active. You can search the threads for a
specific area of interest. You can also browse categories like Azure Storage, Pricing
and Billing, Azure Virtual Machines, and Azure Migrate.

Azure Architecture Center  Gain access to the Azure Application Architecture Guide,
Azure Reference Architectures, and the Cloud Design Patterns.

Microsoft Learning Community Blog  Get the latest information the certification
tests and exam study groups.  Channel 9 provides a wealth of informational videos, shows, and

Azure Tuesdays With Corey  Corey Sanders answers your questions about
Microsoft Azure – Virtual Machines, Web Sites, Mobile Services, Dev/Test etc.

Azure Fridays  Join Scott Hanselman as he engages one-on-one with the engineers
who build the services that power Microsoft Azure as they demo capabilities,
answer Scott’s questions, and share their insights.

Microsoft Azure Blog  Keep current on what’s happening in Azure, including what’s
now in preview, generally available, news & updates, and more.

End of David Papkin Microsoft Azure page.