Microsoft Azure AZ-103 info by David Papkin

This David Papkin page info page Microsoft Azure AZ-103 course


Azure Storage Introduction



Quickstart: Create a Windows virtual machine in the Azure portal

Quickstart: Create a virtual machine scale set in the Azure portal

Quickstart: Create a virtual network using the Azure portal

Tutorial: Route network traffic with a route table using the Azure portal

Get started with Azure Advisor

Create, view, and manage activity log alerts by using Azure Monitor

Export Azure Activity log to storage or Azure Event Hubs

Quick steps: Create and use an SSH public-private key pair for Linux VMs in Azure

Quickstart: Create and deploy Azure Resource Manager templates by using the Azure portal

Add users Quickstart




Storage Explorer Quickstart

Azure File Shares Quickstarts

Create a file share in Azure Files

Quickstart: Upload, download, and list blobs with the Azure portal

Back up Azure file shares

Back up a Windows Server or client to Azure


Quickstart: Create an Azure DNS zone and record using Azure PowerShell

Quickstart: Create an Azure private DNS zone using the Azure portal


Azure Device Management

AZ103 Exam Info


Azure Questions

QHow can you access Azure Monitor?

A Portal, API, Event Hubs and Log Analytics

How long is Azure Monitor historical data accessable?

30 days

Q What is the difference between Maintenance and Downtime?

A Understand VM Reboots – maintenance vs. downtime

Q What is the purpose of Azure VMs?

A Windows virtual machines in Azure

Q What are some tools to determine what workloads can be virtualised and costs?


Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) Calculator

Microsoft Azure Virtual Machine Readiness Assessment

Azure Migrate

Azure Pricing Calculator

Q   What Azure resources can be used to design highly available web or video  delivery systems?

Load Balancer, Application Gateway, Traffic Manager, Content Delivery Network(CDN)

WHat can you use to allow only specific servers to communicate with Database servers?


Network Security Groups. You can specifiy rules based on IP address, Port, Protocol, Service Tag, etc)

Azure 103 Labfiles

1) Create NEW email account password Pa55w.rd1234 where xxx = your initials and ddmmyy = starting date of your course


The new Microsoft account is needed for the Azure Pass used for the labs in this course. The use of any other account is not supported for this class.  Appreciate your understanding.

2) Md C:\Labfiles

3) Download and extract into C:\Labfiles


4 ) Download and install Visual Studio Code  Visual Studio Code

5) Create new Azure account


End of David Papkin Microsoft Azure AZ-103 page

Helpful Azure  learning links

Microsoft Azure Forums  The Azure forums are very active. You can search the threads for a
specific area of interest. You can also browse categories like Azure Storage, Pricing
and Billing, Azure Virtual Machines, and Azure Migrate.

Azure Architecture Center  Gain access to the Azure Application Architecture Guide,
Azure Reference Architectures, and the Cloud Design Patterns.

Microsoft Learning Community Blog  Get the latest information the certification
tests and exam study groups.  Channel 9 provides a wealth of informational videos, shows, and

Azure Tuesdays With Corey  Corey Sanders answers your questions about
Microsoft Azure – Virtual Machines, Web Sites, Mobile Services, Dev/Test etc.

Azure Fridays  Join Scott Hanselman as he engages one-on-one with the engineers
who build the services that power Microsoft Azure as they demo capabilities,
answer Scott’s questions, and share their insights.

Microsoft Azure Blog  Keep current on what’s happening in Azure, including what’s
now in preview, generally available, news & updates, and more.

End of David Papkin Microsoft Azure page.

David Papkin favorite movies

Robert Deniro in GoodFellas